
Executive Coaching

All the CEO’s that I’ve worked with have challenges that they often need to discuss privately with a third party. Most have limited access to a truly independent advocate and coach who will help them navigate the difficult choices they must often make that have a significant impact on their people and the future of the company.

As companies grow, their leadership must grow and adapt with them. Most entrepreneurs and business executives have achieved their success because they were able to apply their unique skills to a specific problem, service or product. In time, additional skills need to be developed to keep up with the demands of the marketplace, additional staff, adding layers to management, and the development of their key people. We’ll assess your unique needs and develop a strategy that meets your goals and accelerates your continued growth beyond what you thought was possible.

Family owned businesses have unique challenges in leadership, management, communication, strategic planning, management succession and one of the toughest of all…accountability. The majority of the businesses that I coach are family owned and multi-generational. The dynamics of these businesses require someone that’s seen everything and has helped navigate these challenges. We’ll work through it together.

You often have the choice between several "right" answers, and simply need someone to walk you through the best option for the future of the company and all those affected by the positive (and sometimes less-desirable) consequences of your final decision. As your confidential advocate, advisor and coach, we’ll talk through the issues that matter most to you and your company.

In addition, we’ll discuss the development of your team’s level of Trust, ability to manage productive Conflict, Commitment, multi-level Accountability and desire for Results to ensure that you are reaching your full potential.

Manager Coaching


  • Staff Audits
  • Proven Communication Techniques of the Best Operations
  • Handling Ethical Dilemmas
  • Modifying/Improving Employee Behaviors
  • Developing Teamwork
  • Finding and Hiring Better Employees
  • Getting New Employees off to a Great Start
  • Keeping the Best Employees
  • Dealing with a Wide Variety of Personal Preferences and Interests
  • Defining, Developing and Reinforcing our Desired Culture
  • Understanding Different Personality and Behavioral Styles
  • Understanding People who Have Challenging Personal Issues
  • Working with People with Different Values than Ours’
  • Enhancing Structure
  • Increasing Accountability
  • One-on-one Coaching
  • Personal/Professional development
  • Improving Training
  • Train the Trainers
  • Developing Onboarding
  • Reducing Turnover
  • Disciplinary Strategies


  • Management Coaching and Development
  • Executive Coaching
  • Recruiting, Hiring and Keeping Employees
  • Family Business Transition
  • Understanding Generational Differences
  • Improving Communications
  • Increasing Employee Accountability
  • Strategic Planning
  • Personal Time Management
  • Increasing Emotional Maturity
  • Enhancing Self-Awareness
  • Improving Self-Confidence
  • Having Tough Conversations
  • Dealing with Difficult Employees
  • Creating a Professional Work Culture
  • Establishing Work/Life Balance for You and Your Staff


Nearly any topic mentioned here can be covered in a regular phone coaching or web-formatted session. We can discuss your highest priorities and work together to set an agenda and schedule that fits your busy life.


Family: Businesses are challenging enough to run, and when we add family to the mix it raises the level of difficulty by several factors. Many families navigate these challenges well. Others find it a constant struggle and need help with some pretty messy issues that most other coaches and consultants avoid. I stay with you until we reach a resolution, no matter how tough the conversations, issues and conflicts become.

The Elephant in the Room: Far too often, families have issues that have been off-limits to discuss for many, many years. Eventually that issue becomes the barrier to further growth, reaching higher levels of success and achieving family harmony. We’ll carefully, cautiously and deliberately tackle that issue so that everyone can move toward their personal, professional and family goals.

Accountability: The most challenging business environment to establish and reinforce accountability is the family business. Families have history, and some family members can’t allow themselves or others to forget past events. We’ll develop a strategy that establishes clear accountability for each person in the company, family and non-family, their specific roles and duties, and the consequences for not meeting expectations. The system and structure become the family’s "sheriff" rather than mom, dad, uncle, older brother, etc. Peace arises.

Strategic Planning: Most businesses need to review their strategic plan every year. Unfortunately, few family businesses have taken the time to develop one. Whether you have one or not, we’ll engage in a level-headed, results-oriented discussion on how to continue our success, avoid threats, take advantage of opportunities and ensure that everyone is pulling in the same direction for generations to come.

Enterprise Analysis/Adding New Enterprises: Nearly every industry in the country must learn to adapt to their marketplace at a much faster pace. Technology, data accumulation and analysis, market disruption and consumer perceptions change rapidly, and we need to have a strategy to not only survive these trends but thrive in them. Great businesses know which enterprises are the most viable, which have the most potential, and which ones need to be phased out so that others can be implemented.

Estate Plan Preparation: Sometimes, the elder generation has a hard time determining how to pass management and assets along to the next generation. This can be complicated for them and emotionally charged. I’ll work with all the affected generations and ensure that each person’s long-term goals are incorporated into the final plan, and help mom and dad make the decisions that are essential to creating a plan that they can take to their attorney, estate planner and accountant to codify their desires.

Liquidation Event Planning: In some cases, it’s tough for the business owner to know the best way to transition the assets of the business to the next generation, or to an outside investor. With the emotions involved, let alone the financial and tax implications, it is very helpful to have experienced professionals listen to your needs and help develop a list of viable options. Most are surprised at how many options they have. In these situations, I work with other professionals to ensure that at the time of transfer the business is at its maximum value to the seller, and the maximum potential for the buyer.